DBID: 151
System number: P15V00000138 Contracting authority registration number: MF-46425/2012/23-232/D
Date of start:
Tender submit to:
22.05.2012 00:00
Title, type and description of public contract
Title: Instalace SDK obkladů ve 2.PP budovy Janovského
Type of public contract: Works
Brief subject description: Instalace SDK obkladů ve 2.PP budovy Janovského
Procedure type, estimated value
VZMR s uveřejněním výzvy
Public contract regime:
small-scale public contract
Estimated value:
688 681 Kč without VAT
Contracting authority
Official name: Česká republika - Ministerstvo financí
CRN: 00006947
Postal address: Letenská 525/15
118 10 Praha 1 - Malá strana
Contracting authority profile identification in VVZ: 508241
Contact address
Tenders or requests to participate submit to:
Česká republika - Ministerstvo financí, Letenská 15, Praha, 118 10