System number:
Title, type and description of public contract
- Title: Kupní smlouva na dodávky tiskopisů
- Type of public contract: Supplies
Brief subject description:
Kupní smlouva na dodávky tiskopisů
Procedure type, estimated value
VZMR bez uveřejnění výzvy
Public contract regime:
small-scale public contract
- Estimated value:
Contracting authority
- Official name: Generální ředitelství cel
- CRN: 71214011
- Postal address:
Budějovická 1387/7
140 96 Praha 4 - Michle
- Contracting authority profile identification in VVZ: 517259
Contact address
Tenders or requests to participate submit to:
viz dokumentace
Qualifications documentation not provided (or is part of procurement documents).
Procurement documents are provided electronically with direct access.
Procurement documents - files download
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No explanation, completion or changes of procurement documents to show. Check also the block Procurement documents.