Received message - explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

Procurement procedure Dodání laminačního lisu (znovuvyhlášení)
Sender Zuzana Drahokoupil Šenoldová
Sender organization Státní tiskárna cenin, s.p. [CRN: 00001279]
Recipient All (including public)
Date 19.11.2020 17:40:44
Subject Explanation and Alteration od Tender Documentation II.

Explanation and Alteration od Tender Documentation II.

- Explanation and Alteration of Tender documentation II._signed.pdf (243.04 KB)
- A1_Purchase_contract_reissue_rev.docx (83.62 KB)
- A2_AnnexNo.3 Timetable of the Contract Fulfilment_reissue_rev.docx (32.24 KB)
- A3_AnnexNo.1a Technical Specification_úprava terminologie_reissue_rev.XLS (36.83 KB)