Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Supply and Service of Collating and Bonding Device for the Production of ID1 Cards_reissue // Dodávka a zajištění servisu snášecího a bodovacího zařízení pro výrobu karet ID1_opakování

Document information

Title: Tender Documentation_signed
Document published on Profile: 18.11.2022 08:56:36

Actual file version

File name: Dokument PDF Tender Documentation_signed.pdf
Size: 1,24 MiB
Actual file version: 16.11.2022 08:17:19
MD5 hash: 11139ba72f4cc558f322d90e94c359b8
SHA256 hash: 4afba512848d4055838deb37d82ca39ed651adac31925bfa411ef70f694d3ff8

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 16.11.2022 08:17:19 Tender Documentation_signed procurement documents - Tender Documentation_signed.pdf 1,24 MiB