Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Supply and Service of Collating and Bonding Device for the Production of ID1 Cards_reissue // Dodávka a zajištění servisu snášecího a bodovacího zařízení pro výrobu karet ID1_opakování

Document information

Title: Annex No. 6 - Installation Site Drawing
Document published on Profile: 18.11.2022 08:56:36

Actual file version

File name: application/octet-stream Annex No. 6 - Installation Site Drawing.dwg
Size: 253,37 KiB
Actual file version: 16.11.2022 08:20:08
MD5 hash: 63d5fc239945a0424413f2c44334894c
SHA256 hash: 2382a1edee18305e3284aafbbe17dc753f454ebe84853f232e2221e217376054

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 16.11.2022 08:20:08 Annex No. 6 - Installation Site Drawing procurement documents - Annex No. 6 - Installation Site Drawing.dwg 253,37 KiB