Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Production and Supply of Self-adhesive Paper for EU Visa Production // Výroba a dodávky samolepicího papíru pro víza EU

Document information

Title: Annex 7 – Affidavit on Conflict of Interests
Document published on Profile: 09.01.2023 11:34:22

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word Annex 7 – Affidavit on Conflict of Interests.docx
Size: 27.08 KB
Actual file version: 09.01.2023 10:09:26
MD5 hash: c01c543caffe8bc9db66b4b7a7575a84
SHA256 hash: 75938ea8e83bc56713eaf701357123e790041c18ee83ab9597bdec37478c10a7

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 09.01.2023 10:09:26 Annex 7 – Affidavit on Conflict of Interests procurement documents - Annex 7 – Affidavit on Conflict of Interests.docx 27.08 KB