Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Veřejná zakázka: Production and Supply of prelaminated card inlays with windows for ID1 cards_reissue // Výroba a dodávky předlaminátů s okénkem pro ID1 karty_opakování

Document information

Title: Annex 1 - Draft Contract
Document published on Profile: 02.08.2023 14:29:28

Actual file version

File name: Archiv ZIP Annex 1 - Draft
Size: 3,31 MiB
Actual file version: 31.07.2023 12:59:50
MD5 hash: 3f680e31b529d0b9a426846d10bf1404
SHA256 hash: e12731375d66a84a308a8a85924973613d58a1a3f8dca8ef3b64a23b3a7f147d

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 31.07.2023 12:59:50 Annex 1 - Draft Contract procurement documents - Annex 1 - Draft 3,31 MiB