Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Dynamic Purchasing System for the Production and Supply of Chip Prelaminates - Invitation Nr. 5

Document information

Title: Annex 1 - Draft Contract
Document published on Profile: 05.03.2024 08:54:27

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word Annex 1 - Draft Contract.docx
Size: 167.60 KB
Actual file version: 06.02.2024 10:32:09
MD5 hash: 6a94e4eabdd511aba9e3a915cf384432
SHA256 hash: eae26873504ce3a14a8679dc615c1bec4b3b8f7293a3c718cfa269b832ec070f

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 06.02.2024 10:32:09 Annex 1 - Draft Contract procurement documents - Annex 1 - Draft Contract.docx 167.60 KB