Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Production and delivery of STARCOS 3.7 eIDAS C1 chip modules // Výroba a dodávky čipových modulů STARCOS 3.7 eIDAS C1

Document information

Title: Annex 2 - Tender Cover Sheet@
Document published on Profile: 12.02.2024 11:35:57

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word Annex 2 - Tender Cover Sheet@.doc
Size: 99.50 KiB
Actual file version: 12.02.2024 11:32:52
MD5 hash: 706af3b32f6907271c68df56bac0dc04
SHA256 hash: 56ee5dda5fa04fe849a0f45b8f14a763477ed590c2354a773390c3b1e7e011c7

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 12.02.2024 11:32:52 Annex 2 - Tender Cover Sheet@ procurement documents - Annex 2 - Tender Cover Sheet@.doc 99.50 KiB