Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Supply and Service of the Enveloping Machine for ID1 Cards // Dodávka a servis obálkovací linky pro ID1 karty

Document information

Title: Tender Documentation_Enveloping Machine@signed
Document published on Profile: 29.07.2024 09:32:45

Actual file version

File name: Dokument PDF Tender Documentation_Enveloping Machine@signed.pdf
Size: 1,18 MiB
Actual file version: 26.07.2024 11:14:16
MD5 hash: 53595048f3ba3b5ea491ec6b6356e941
SHA256 hash: 130cf2f06dd2b1fe870b3de39f5f8e9899a2c477bb44f1fcac800fad92d56f46

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 26.07.2024 11:14:16 Tender Documentation_Enveloping Machine@signed procurement documents - Tender Documentation_Enveloping Machine@signed.pdf 1,18 MiB